Shows Open to the Public
While many trade shows used to be invitation only for other businesses, companies have found direct marketing to end users can be a lucrative venture. Some of their products might be only for other businesses, but selling directly to consumers for some products makes sense. Shows open to the public can see large and small company booths lined up and ready to make deals. It is a trend that has been growing over the last few decades, and there seems to be no end in sight.
Saving money in any department of a company is good for the bottom line, and direct sales to end users can lead to savings in the marketing department. Rather than selling more units for less cost to a company that will market to end users, today’s savvy businesses have decided to cut out the middleman whenever possible. They can offer the same goods for less, but they may actually be getting more than selling to another business.
Trade shows have always been targeted to certain audiences, and they now include the general public. The companies sign on to particular shows where the attendees are looking for the types of products they sell, and the marketing is done by the show organizers. Showing up with an inventory of goods to be purchased is becoming a popular way for consumers to buy from the original manufacturer, and doing smaller shows with the general public is becoming a favourite target for marketing departments with limited budgets.
The idea behind any trade show is to garner sales for a company. Being able to sell directly to the public can create income immediately, and attending smaller shows open to anyone interested in the company’s products can be a bonus for the sales department. Being able to provide their goods on-site from an experienced sales representative is also a bonus for the consumer as they shop for the best deal possible.